dataserv (4/30/2009)Hello, I just want to revisit this topicof the invoice order of Billables with QBI. We are constantly getting complaints about this from our clients. They find it confusing to find multiple billable line items, and then have to sort through the text below to match up the detail. I know it may appear to be trivial, But recently, the crazy thing is we actually lost a client over it. Is there any way to address this in V5 ?
Hello Eli, I think there is some major confusion over the invoicing process, hopefully I can clear it up.
Specifically it appears that some are attempting to print entire detailed work orders on the QuickBooks invoice.
The QuickBooks invoice is very reluctant to accept big chunks of text on an invoice, it’s simply not designed for it at all by Intuit, nor would you want to store all that extra text in your QuickBooks database (every item that appears on an invoice needs to be stored in QuickBooks).
We have to use a workaround just to get any text on there at all and it’s very limited.
The business process for invoicing via QuickBooks depends on the business and whether they need to include detailed service data or not. We have about 50/50 split where half of our users don’t need any information on the invoice other than the charges and the other half need a whole lot of detailed information that appears on the AyaNova workorder.
For those that need that detailed information there is simply no substitute for including the printed AyaNova workorder report with the invoice, i.e. print a copy of the workorder from AyaNova and physically attach it to the invoice (i.e. staple it to the invoice) so that there is no confusion about charges and of course AyaNova allows completely unhindered ability to put whatever you want on the AyaNova work order report.
It looks far more professional, it’s in any order and appearance you wish and it doesn’t store a lot of extra data in your QuickBooks database (i.e. all that text). Simply edit the QBI invoicing template to include the workorder number so you have a match between the two documents.
The only reason we have any template ability with QBI is for the in between cases where typically people have simple workorders with one workorder item and one labor item and a separate printed workorder report would be a waste of paper.
It’s never been intended to be a complete substitute for a workorder report in AyaNova. Typically our users will have their techs or service manager print the detailed completed workorder reports, put them in a file for the accounting person who will use QBI to generate the invoices and staple them and mail them.
To be very clear the limitation in QBI is not our limitation, it’s QuickBooks limitation however it is not a limitation at all when the AyaNova reporting system is used as it should be.