QBI Licencing

We as a company are looking to purchase AyaNova CE and QBI. We use quickbooks which is on a Server plus we have 5 additional licences for QB’s. Will we need to purchase 6 licences of QBI, or do we just require one which will be installed on the same server as QB’s is now.


Electro Tel

Hello and welcome!

Only one QBI license is needed.

When the optional QBI license is purchased, you are sent the QBI activation license keycode via email. This keycode is applied via the trial QBI program that you have already installed while testing out QBI to ensure it meets your needs, and ismaintained within the AyaNova database that your networked users all access simultaneously.

Detailed instructions on applying the activation keycode are found within the AyaNova QBI Installation & User Guide available from http://www.ayanova.com/manual.htm and http://www.ayanova.com/quickbooks_integration.htm

If you have additional questions, do not hesitate to let us know.