The answer is probably in front of my face, but here it goes. I am a proud user of AyaNova and the QBI. I am using an ultra-portable notebook and a mobile printer for onsite work. On my notebook obviously is AyaNova and QBI. As well as QuickBooks Pro. I am not crazy about exposing my finincial software to the increased opportunity of it falling into the wrong hands, THEFT. Is there a way for me to have AyaNova on my portable, and at the end of the day in my office, use QBI to do my billing WITHOUT having QuickBooks on the portable unit? Without using the WBI or Data Portal as in my area, there is not good WiFi coverage, especially if i’m onsite.
Hi Josh,
Yep, I do understand. As QBI must have the QuickBooks program on the same computer you have two options here (both are assuming that when you return to the office, you connect your notebook to your local network):
Have your actual QuickBooks company data file on a “server” in the office (doesn’t have to be a physical server hardware, could just be another computer too)
When you return to the office, open QuickBooks program on your notebook that points to the QuickBooks company data file on the server.
Than you can run QBI from your notebook as normal.
Of course this does mean, that you can not run QuickBooks nor QBI when you are away from the office because the QB data is not available, but if your desire is not to have the QuickBooks data on your notebook, this is one option
Second option, is have the QuickBooks company data file on a “server” in the office, and also have QBI and AyaNova on this office computer connecting to the networked AyaNova database on your notebook
Configure AyaNova for network use on your notebook (your notebook being the “server” if you will) - see the network configuration steps in the AyaNova 4 Help file
On the office computer where the QuickBooks company data file is, install AyaNova as per the networked computer instructions in those same networking steps
Install QBFC5 and QBI on this office computer
When you return to the office and connect your notebook to your local network, this office computer can now access the networked AyaNova database on your notebook
And you can now run QBI on the office computer - connecting to its QuickBooks company data file on itself and the AyaNova database on your notebook
Let me know if any questions about either of these options.
I like option 2. Just to clarify, does option 2 require me to have QuickBooks installed on the portable? HDD space is a concern on the portable.
Hi again Josh
With option 2, you do not need the QuickBooks program, nor the QuickBooks company data file, nor QBI set up on the portable notebook.
But it does mean that your portable notebook has to have the database server on it as well as the AyaNova database so that you can work in AyaNova while out on the road with your portable notebook and be able to have your office computer connect to it when you get back.
I would suggest the Firebird Server for yoru database server(if using AyaNova 4). Do note that Firebird Server has a very small footprint (something like only 16MB in size)
Refer to the AyaNova 4 Help file section starting with (URL removed as for older version no longer supported - see the latest version of AyaNova) for network configuration, follow the steps starting with your portable notebook as the “server” (I would suggest setting up the Firebird Server configuration), than setup AyaNova and QBI on the office computer using the network configuration steps identified for networked computers.