*QBI - reload data option now in QBI 5*

Minor QBI suggestion: A button to reload data from QB and/or AyaNova without restarting the program. Nice to leave it running for a while, edit stuff in Aya/QB and just reload and see the updates. It takes about 20 seconds to start up on my (very fast) PC so frequent restarts are a bit annoying.

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Do note that how fast QBI loads does depend on the amount of data in your QuickBooks file, the amount of datain your AyaNova database, the speed of your computer, and the connection to both the AyaNova database and the QuickBooks database file. Also do note that if it takes 20 seconds to load QBI, it would also take 20 seconds to re-load. But thank you for your suggestion, yes, this is already on our to do list to look into adding as a QBI feature - a menu option to reload from within QBI.

  • Joyce

Just an update - the ability to reload QBI’s display of data without having to exit out of QBI and log back in, will be a new feature in the new AyaNova 5.x estimated release late spring 2009

  • Joyce