QBI v3.3.3.0 or higher & Vista

The latest release QBI v3.3.3.0 is compatible with Vista and QuickBooks 2007 RP4 .

Do note the following issues that may occur with Vista and QBI 3.3.3 or higher:

If receive the following error when attempt to run QBI on a Vista machine:

Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {4877276C-A727-486D-B201-F096035CA4DF} failed due to the following error: 80040154.

Solution: This is because the QBFC5 component required from Intuit (the makers of QuickBooks) is not successfully registered

  • Make sure you have successfully installed QBFC5 (or QBFC7 if using QBI 5) as per the QBI instructions
  • Make sure you have rebooted since installing the QBFC and QBI If the above are true, then perform the following:
  • Make sure QuickBooks is exited
  • From the Run command enter in the following text (if you do not have the Run command visible on Vista, right-click on Start, select Properties, click on Customize for the Start Menu, checkmark the Run command and close)

regsvr32 “C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intuit\QuickBooks\qbfc5.dll”

  1. This will say it registered successfully - now start up your QuickBooks company file and run QBI

If receive the following message running QBI on a Vista machine:

Could not open QuickBooks


  • Make sure your QuickBooks company data file is opened with QuickBooks 2007 Vista’s UAC (User Access Control) must be turned ON to run QBI
  • To turn UAC on, perform the following - open Control Panel, open Users, checkmark to use UAC and reboot the computer

When we attempted to register qbfc5.dll using RegSvr32.exe under Windows Vista (as detailed above), we received the following error:
The module “C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intuit\QuickBooks\qbfc5.dll” was loaded but the call to DllRegisterServer failed with error code 0x80070005.


Right click a blank portion of the desktop
From the context menu, choose New
From the sub menu, click Text Document
Name the new file QBI.bat (the filename can be anything, as long as it is a batch [*.bat] file), confirming the extension change when prompted
Right click the new file and choose Edit to open the file in notepad
Enter the following lines into the editor

%WINDIR%\system32\regsvr32.exe “C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intuit\QuickBooks\qbfc5.dll”

Open the File menu and choose Save
Open the File menu and choose Exit
Right click the new file and choose Run as Administrator from the context menu
If prompted, enter your administrator login details
The file should now register correctly

We also found that to work with an older version of Quickbooks, it was necessary to turn on Compatibility mode (WindowsXP) for the AyaNovaQBI application.

Does UAC need to be turned on in order for this to work? Please advise. Thanks.


QBI 3.3 through to QBI 3.6, yes

QBI 4, no it should not have to be. What version of QBI are you running?

  • Joyce