Using QBI 1.2.2 with QuickBooks 2006 will initually result in 0X8004041c and 0X8004003 errors
Perform the following steps and download file for compatibility with US and Canadian QuickBooks 2006
Open QuickBooks 2006 and perform an update. File > Update Quickbooks… In the “Update Quickbooks” window, click “Update now” then click on “Get Updates” button. Shut down QuickBooks when finished.
If QBI is not presently installed, do perform the installation as per the AyaNova QBI Installation & User Guide section “Installation of AyaNova QBI Trial Mode (Part 1 of 2)” starting on page 7. The Guide is available from and is required to confirm installation successfull.
If QBI is already installed, go to step 5.
After QBI installation , reboot the computer
Login with administrative access with no other programs running, and perform the following:
Download the Intuit QBFC5 installer fromQBI v3 download web page
Install the QBFC5 installer. Reboot the computer. Open Control Panel -> Add/remove Programs and confirm that QBFC 5.0 is installed. Click on the Support Information and confirm the version is 5.0.00203.0. You will also note that a QBFC3.0b is installed - do NOT remove this.
Perform the steps in the QBI Installation & User Guide section “Initial Setup of Trial AyaNova QBI (Part 2 of 2)” starting on page 10 to configure QBI connection between QuickBooks and AyaNova.