Using QBI, is it possible to apply a clients’ individual assigned price level to the invoice automatically when QBI creates the invoice? ( I.E. a particular industry client may have a higher or lower price level on a technical rate- to avoid having a different tech rate item for each of these clients) Is it an option in the new version?
No, it is not possible using AyaNova CE and QBI to apply a clients’ individual assigned price level to the invoice automatically when QBI creates the invoice. AyaNova CE does not have a client attribute of a discount for parts or rates.
QBI 1.2.2 does advise you when a part price in AyaNova does not match a part price in QuickBooks.
For example: If a retail price of a Part in QuickBooks does not match what is stated for the part in the AyaNova workorder, when you link the QB part to the AyaNova part for a specific workorder for invoicing, it will show a red dollar sign on the part icon to the left of the part name under the workorder.
With AyaNova v3, a client can have a specific contract applied. That contract can apply a discount to parts, and specific contract rates that would not be available to clients without this contract. At this time AyaNova v3 does not have a contract attribute to apply discounts to service rates.
We encourage posting of feature requests in the AyaNova v3 Wish List forum. Do provide detailed information for the development team. We appreciate suggestions and will always implement great ideas.