Rates Question...


On the “Rates” grid, is there a way to make the “Description” field available for use on a report, specifically a workorder. Here’s my problem. I have services in QuickBooks such as [L2LC] - then the description for that service. When I import FROM QB - AyaNova, it looks good in the “Rates” grid, however, when I select it for use in a workorder, all that is printed is [L2LC], no description. If I create the service in AyaNova, say, [L2LC] - Level 2 Diagnostic Charge; the description is too logn for QuickBooks and it shortens it. Does this make sense?

Thank you

Forum Update - do note that you can now have additional fields from other records display on a report using API Methods
See the Development SDK API section of this forum for details

Hi Joshua

Sorry, no, you can not add a datafield to a report template if it is not already there for selection. The datafields relating to the Rate grid that are selectablein a workorder detailed service report template arethe Name of the Rate selected, that Rate’s Account Number, the Rate’s Cost, that Rate’s Charge, and that Rate’s unit (hour, mile, etc). The rate’s Description is not an available datafield in a detailed service workorder report template.

If there is a datafield that you want to see on a report, do as you have done ->identify the grid, identify the datafield, and provide information on how and why you would use in a post in the Wish List section which is information that development can take and expand on when adding new features.

I will move this to the Wish List section of this forum for development along with the other suggestions for new features to be added to a future AyaNova.

  • Joyce

Has any progress been made in the latest update in terms of displaying the rate description?

Thank you

Hi Imed

Yes, the Rate Description field is available via a Detailed Report Template from the Service Workorders grid in the Labor subset.

This was added in AyaNova version 5

  • Joyce

Hello Joyce,

I did try the Rate Description field that you mentioned above, but this does not give me the field which I am referring to. I am trying to get the description that appears in the Rates grid. What we are trying to accomplish is having the rate descriptions be static, with no data entry required each time a labor rate is selected. I am trying trying to avoid using the parts screen because we are using that for something else on the same workorder.

Here is a picture of what I am referring to. I circled the data that appears when using the Rate Description field, and I pointed an arrow to the data that I want to appear on the report. If this field is an option, please let me know, otherwise I can email the report to you as recommended.

Thank you

Hi again Imed

In the screenshot you circled the Service Details from the Labor subsection - so I am confused how this relates to you wanting to show the Rates Description field?

If you have Service Details data showing on your report template, that is because you have the Service Details datafield set on your report template. That is the only way it would show.

If you want the Description for the rate to show, than you must be using the datafield for the Description LT_Rate_Label_Description just like the screenshot I posted previously.

I would recommend rechecking your report template - click on the datafield in the report template designer, and view the Field List tab - it will highlight which field it actually is bound to.

If you still are encountering an issue, export the report template and send to us along with the specific name of the labelfield you are referring to so that I know exactly where to look in your report template.

  • Joyce

Hello Joyce,

I realize I wasn’t looking at the correct field box, however, I do not see the one that you are referring to. Does it matter that I am trying to do this from the Quote grid? I assume that workorders and quotes are the same in terms creating reports. Here are the options that I have:

Hi Imed

I assumed you were referring to a Service Workorder report template as I was in my first reply. The Quotes report template does not have the rates Description field as a pre-set field for selection.

If you would like me to customize your Quote report template for you so that it shows the rate Description field using API methods, I would be happy to take a look at your report template and provide you with a quote to do so. Export the report template and email.

  • Joyce