I went to check on my ayanova 3 backups today and noticed that something was wrong. I verified the scheduled task was running then attempted to run the network firebird backup batch file from a command prompt so i could view the results. The batch file succesfuly runs all the way down and loads the gbak utility but when gbak attempts to back up the database it returns a “unavailable database” error. I have checked all of the locations in my batch file and they are all correct. Any ideas?
Here is a copy of the code from the batch file just to make sure there are no errors.
REM *** Create the backups folder if it doesn’t already exist:
IF NOT EXIST E:\AyaNova3\backups MKDIR E:\AyaNova3\backups
REM *** Delete the oldest copy and shuffle each existing copy to next position
REM *** This will produce a harmless error at first until all 10 copies exist
REM *** error will not affect backup
del “E:\AyaNova3\backups\AYANOVA10.FBK”
ren “E:\AyaNova3\backups\AYANOVA09.FBK” AYANOVA10.FBK
ren “E:\AyaNova3\backups\AYANOVA08.FBK” AYANOVA09.FBK
ren “E:\AyaNova3\backups\AYANOVA07.FBK” AYANOVA08.FBK
ren “E:\AyaNova3\backups\AYANOVA06.FBK” AYANOVA07.FBK
ren “E:\AyaNova3\backups\AYANOVA05.FBK” AYANOVA06.FBK
ren “E:\AyaNova3\backups\AYANOVA04.FBK” AYANOVA05.FBK
ren “E:\AyaNova3\backups\AYANOVA03.FBK” AYANOVA04.FBK
ren “E:\AyaNova3\backups\AYANOVA02.FBK” AYANOVA03.FBK
ren “E:\AyaNova3\backups\AYANOVA.FBK” AYANOVA02.FBK
REM *** Perform a Firebird backup with verification
“C:\Program Files\Firebird_1_5\bin\gbak” -b -v -t -user SYSDBA -password “XXXXXXX” E:\AyaNova3\AYANOVA.FDB E:\AyaNova3\backups\AYANOVA.FBK
And here is the results of running the batch file from the command prompt.
C:\Program Files\AyaNova 3>networkfirebirdsnapshot.bat
C:\Program Files\AyaNova 3>REM BEGIN SCRIPT
C:\Program Files\AyaNova 3>REM *** Create the backups folder if it doesn’t alrea
dy exist:
C:\Program Files\AyaNova 3>IF NOT EXIST E:\AyaNova3\backups MKDIR E:\AyaNova3\ba
C:\Program Files\AyaNova 3>REM *** Delete the oldest copy and shuffle each exist
ing copy to next position
C:\Program Files\AyaNova 3>REM *** This will produce a harmless error at first u
ntil all 10 copies exist
C:\Program Files\AyaNova 3>REM *** error will not affect backup
C:\Program Files\AyaNova 3>del “E:\AyaNova3\backups\AYANOVA10.FBK”
Could Not Find E:\AyaNova3\backups\AYANOVA10.FBK
C:\Program Files\AyaNova 3>ren “E:\AyaNova3\backups\AYANOVA09.FBK” AYANOVA10.FBK
The system cannot find the file specified.
C:\Program Files\AyaNova 3>ren “E:\AyaNova3\backups\AYANOVA08.FBK” AYANOVA09.FBK
The system cannot find the file specified.
C:\Program Files\AyaNova 3>ren “E:\AyaNova3\backups\AYANOVA07.FBK” AYANOVA08.FBK
The system cannot find the file specified.
C:\Program Files\AyaNova 3>ren “E:\AyaNova3\backups\AYANOVA06.FBK” AYANOVA07.FBK
The system cannot find the file specified.
C:\Program Files\AyaNova 3>ren “E:\AyaNova3\backups\AYANOVA05.FBK” AYANOVA06.FBK
The system cannot find the file specified.
C:\Program Files\AyaNova 3>ren “E:\AyaNova3\backups\AYANOVA04.FBK” AYANOVA05.FBK
The system cannot find the file specified.
C:\Program Files\AyaNova 3>ren “E:\AyaNova3\backups\AYANOVA03.FBK” AYANOVA04.FBK
The system cannot find the file specified.
C:\Program Files\AyaNova 3>ren “E:\AyaNova3\backups\AYANOVA02.FBK” AYANOVA03.FBK
The system cannot find the file specified.
C:\Program Files\AyaNova 3>ren “E:\AyaNova3\backups\AYANOVA.FBK” AYANOVA02.FBK
The system cannot find the file specified.
C:\Program Files\AyaNova 3>REM *** Perform a Firebird backup with verification
C:\Program Files\AyaNova 3>“C:\Program Files\Firebird_1_5\bin\gbak” -b -v -t -us
er SYSDBA -password “$zigzag$” E:\AyaNova3\AYANOVA.FDB E:\AyaNova3\backup