
Is there a way to refresh the QBI instead of closing it everytime? It takes an unusual amount of time to open the interface. It appears to get hung up on “Customer” on the startup.

rltrobert (6/14/2006)Is there a way to refresh the QBI instead of closing it everytime? It takes an unusual amount of time to open the interface. It appears to get hung up on “Customer” on the startup.

Hello Robert

Are you referring to QBI v1.2.2 or QBI v3?

What is meant by “hung up” - for example: do you mean you get an error message; do you mean that QBI does successfully load, but due to the number of customer records, it takes a while to go through those records?

What is the actual time to load QBI? (count in seconds etc)

How many customer records are in the AyaNova database?

How many customer records arein the QuickBooks company data file?

Where is the QuickBooks company data file located in relation to the AyaNova database?

If using AyaNova v3, what database connection is in use - default local embedded (single user), network Firebird configuration, SQL Express configuration, or SQL Server configuration?

By what means are you running QBI - on a local network connecting to the QuickBooks company data file and the AyaNova database both on a server - or is QBI running via terminal services or via VPN?

Providing the above information will allow me to provide possible solutions if you are experiencing an issue to get you up and going - I will look for your reply.

  • Joyce