report issue

ok i have a report .what i am trying to do is this …

it is June 06 , i want to run a report for April 06 which i cannot do cause the system doesnt give me an option

ie only get Month current / month previous etc.

i tryied customized search for april doesnt work . is there a way to do this


Hi Randy

A suggestion would be to create a custom filter on a date column relevant to the data you want to display .

Examples of this are also in the following topics:



For example, the custom filter below will show workorders with Service Date of Dec 14 2006 1:36AM, and June 5 2006 8:00AM and all workorders between those two selected Service Dates.

A tutorial on creating custom filters can also be found in the AyaNova Manual “Tutorial: Using Custom Filters to Filter a Grid” starting page 99

  • Joyce

also i cannot custom select ie .

want a specific client .so i select the client and it gives me all client workorders which is fine.

now i want to select only tags(work orders) from the month on april.06 it doesnt do it . it still shows me

all tags still . so how to i do this >?


randy232 (6/3/2006)also i cannot custom select ie .

want a specific client .so i select the client and it gives me all client workorders which is fine.

now i want to select only tags(work orders) from the month on april.06 it doesnt do it . it still shows me

all tags still . so how to i do this >?

Hi Randy

Not quite sure what you mean by “It doesn’t do it. It still shows me all tags still”?

Not sure if this is what you are getting at - a column is only filterable by what it is. You can’t filter the “Workorder” column by a date as a workorder is a number.

If you want to only show all workorders for a specific client with a Service Date in the month of April, than a suggestion is to =

filter the Client column to show only that client.

And than create a custom filter on the Service Date column, selecting for Less Than (as shown in examples in the topic links above and the screenshot above) the first Service Date in May, and for Greater than or Equal To the first Service Date in April.

I encourage you to try out the custom fields - they aren’t set in stone so do feel free to try differenct combinations, etc to get the data you are looking for.

  • Joyce

what was happening was i could select let say in service workorders to only

see tags from one client , so the system will show me only those tags

then i select to show me just completed to for the customer , the system then

show me all tags(work orders) for all customers . and i dont know why.


Hi Randy

Can you confirm from what specific navigation grid you are setting the filter on which column, and in this same navigation pane, the second filter on the second column in this same navigation grid? This way I can recreate what you are doing to help you identify what the issue is. I encourage you to provide specifics whenever posting a topic support request - in this way I can recreate exactly what you are doing and seeing.


  • Joyce


i think the newest version corrected this issue. i just update our systems to3.1.7 seems to work correctly now .

thanks for the help

ok every on the screen seems to work now but when i run the report complete by client.

it shows all data from the begining . now this is only happening when i select the custom

field like above. if i select previous or last 14 it seems to work fine. it is just when i select

custom that it shows all

For example, the custom filter below will show workorders with Service Date of Dec 14 2006 1:36AM, and June 5 2006 8:00AM and all workorders between those two selected Service Dates.

if i select this is when in the report it shows all. on the screen it will only show the dates

requested . does that make sense

Hi Randy

As per the topic suggested to review earlier in your post, and the screenshot showing in the previous post, set the Less Than operator first in a custom filter.

  • Joyce