I need a reprot that I can run by week (Date), By client, and preferably by summary. This would be in a report format, not individual pages by client. What would it cost for you to do?
Mark Crum
I need a reprot that I can run by week (Date), By client, and preferably by summary. This would be in a report format, not individual pages by client. What would it cost for you to do?
Mark Crum
Hi Mark
Not quite sure exactly what exactly this report would look like, what exact datafields this report would display, what exactly is meant by “run by week (Date), By client, and preferably by summary” (not sure if you mean filters by these, or these are the only datafields in the report or ) so could not provide a quote at this time.
Please provide specifics including a mockup as outlined in topic Custom-report-templates and I would be happy to provide a quote.
I have a very large customer that wants a weekly report for all service orders given to us by their corporate office. They have 22 sites. The report needs a date range, the location and what the problem is that the location is requesting service on.
I have tried to make the report myself and got close but still cannot get what I need. I wiil e-mail a sample.