Reset Inventory & Price Changes

Good afternoon,
I have 2 questions related to the inventory feature. We are on a very old version, but I am looking for a reason to get them to upgrade so could you please answer these questions for the current version of Ayanova?

  1. Is it possible to reset the inventory to contain nothing. This feature hasn’t ever been used and employees have toyed around with it entering part numbers and quantities. Well, management would now like to make full use of the inventory feature, but there is all this bogus data in there. I do not recall being able to delete a single item so is there a way to delete the entire inventory from the database?

  2. Is it possible to import a file that contains price changes from a vendor? Our company sells products from a larger manufacturer that tends to run nationwide sales. The manufacturer is able to send out a file that contains all of the needed price changes matched to SKUs, etc. So, give the correct file format (what would that be) is it possible to import this to Ayanova and have pricing adjusted?

Thank you,

Hi Joe

Zeroing out part onhand amounts:

Yes, the way to delete on hand amounts in AyaNova is to use Part Adjustments to adjust each part as needed.
See more about Part Adjustments starting Feature Details > Inventory > Adjustments > Inventory Adjustments

Go to your Part Inventory grid, set to No Filter and viewing All Rows. Sort if needed.
Print out the (for example) Sample Inventory Reconciliation Report, which will list each part’s (and its warehouse) On Hand amount that you presently have in AyaNova.
Check your actual on hand amounts for your parts.
Then create a Part Adjustment record, selecting each part listed in that Part Adjustment record one after the other, entering a negative number if needs to be zero’d out (or if you actually have on hand amounts for a part, enter adjustments as needed).

Or another possible suggestion could be to have development create for your database a custom AyaScript script that you would run to zero out all part onhand amounts for you automatically (development to create the script to perform the same steps as above, just does it automatically).
If you would like to read more about AyaScript, see AyaScript for AyaNova plugin
To provide an $ estimate to do this, would get from you specific details about your inventory. Great start would be to get from you your Sample Inventory Reconciliation Report exported to a file (sort your grid by Part Warehouse in the first left column, then Part in the second column before selecting to print).
If you are concerned about privacy, do send via email to referencing this forum post.

Or another possible suggestion could be to have development perform the adjustments directly with a copy of your database that we then return to you.
To provide an $ estimate to do this, would get from you a zipped copy of your backed up AyaNova database to initially see what’s what
If interested in this, start by sending email providing a copy of your ayalog.txt and config.txt from your server’s AyaNova program folder, as well as what database server and version you have networked your AyaNova with (i.e. Firebird Server 2.1.1, or SQL Server 2012, or ??) if you would interested.

Any questions regarding your own data and database, be sure to provide a copy of your ayalog.txt and config.txt from your server’s AyaNova program folder, your version of AyaNova (always four numbers as in x.x.x.x) and what database server and version you have networked your AyaNova with (i.e. Firebird Server 2.1.1, or SQL Server 2012, or ??)

import a file that contains price changes from a vendor:

Yes, my suggestion would be to use the optional add-on Duplicate option to the ImportExportCSV plugin.

The ImportExportCSV utility is provided at no charge to import or export client records, unit records, and/or part records.
The optional add-on Duplicate option to the ImportExportCSV plugin extends the plugin by providing the ability to update existing AyaNova client records, unit records and/or part records.

For example, using the optional add-on Duplicate option to the ImportExportCSV plugin you can update an existing part record’s Cost field, Retail field, etc.

Review details about the Part ImportExportCSV starting including installation steps, how to export, import file format (i.e. CSV and what fields), how to import, and how to use the add-on Duplicate option

The optional add-on Duplicate option to the ImportExportCSV plugin is only a flat US$19.00 for your database.

I look forward to hearing from you.

  • Joyce

As always, thank you for the quick response.

So I am not looking to zero out a part’s quantity, I want to remove it completely. For example, someone entered part number 00000-00021 with quantity 99000; I do not want to just make that quantity 0, but rather I want part 00000-00021 gone completely. To that end, everything in the inventory database is junk data, completely irrelevant to the current operations so ideally I would love to just basically reset the inventory database to the first day I installed Ayanova if that is possible. Am I correct in that your 3rd option is the solution to completely remove 100% of the current inventory?


Yes, send as requested and we can go from there.

  • Joyce

I will get with the boss and see what he wants to do.

Thanks again!


Do send the following for context if any further questions:

a copy of your ayalog.txt and config.txt from your server’s AyaNova program folder,
your version of AyaNova (always four numbers as in x.x.x.x)
what database server and version you have networked your AyaNova with (i.e. Firebird Server 2.1.1, or SQL Server 2012, or ??)

  • Joyce