Sample Client Billing Hours report template from the Labor grid

Here is a sample report template that would be accessible from the Labor grid in the Service navigation pane.

Sample Client Billing Hours Report with Grand Total

This report is just a further customization of the Sample Schedulable User Billing Hours report template

I customized the Sample Schedulable User Billing Hours report templatefurther so that the amounts were grouped by Client instead of being grouped by the schedulable user.

-Performed a “Save As” of the Sample Schedulable User Billing Hours report template and named the new report template Sample Client Billing Hours with Grand Total
-groupHeaderBand1 was selected, and then the Properties tab was selected.
-selected the GroupFields property, and edited the Collection so that it was grouped by Client instead of by Scheduable user
-the field xrLabel2 was bound instead to the Client datafield instead of the Schedulable User datafield
-text fields such as xrLabel1, xrTableCell1, xrTableCell2and xrTableCell3 were edited to say “Client” instead of “User”
-report was saved
-Now records filtered to show in the Labor grid will display in this report grouped by client instead of by user.