Sample Detailed Workorder report that repeats header on every page

The change to a workorder report template may be very useful if you commonly have workorders that span mulitple pages, and you would like the workorder header information to display on each page for the workorder.

I’ve taken the With Banked Sample Detailed Workorder Report with Grand Totals, and edited to allow this and have provided below the steps I took to accomplish this so that you can do this with other reports you might have.

****If using AyaNova 3, 4 or 5, download Sample Banked Detailed Service Workorder with Grand Total Repeats report template and extract

****If using AyaNova 6 or higher, download [AyaNova 6 and higher Sample Banked Detailed Service Workorder with Grand Total Repeats report template]( 6 and higher Sample Banked Detailed Service Workorder with Grand Total and extract

Import into AyaNova

Open this report from the Service Workorders grid.

  1. First Iright-clicked on the Detail1 band (of the DetailReport - WorkorderHeader) and selected Insert Band -> GroupHeader

  2. Select the Detail1 band again, andI changed the property PageBreak to None.

  3. Than I highlighted all the fields in Detail1, right-click select Cut, and Paste into the GroupHeader1 that was made above it.

  4. Select the GroupHeader1 band and than in Properties set :

  • the PageBreak property to BeforeBand
  • the RepeatEveryPage to True

5. In the Properties band for the GroupHeader1, select the GroupFields property to open the GroupFields Collection Editor

  • Here I added a GroupField
  • For the FieldName I selected the Workorder # to sort by - you can pick what ever you wish from the workorder header fields - client, service date, etc - this will group the order the workorders will print out at regardless of how they display or are sorted on the grid from where you printed from.

This is required to be able to print multiple workorders at one time - otherwise only the first workorder would print.

  1. Select the ReportFooter1 band at the bottom of the design panel and in Properties set:
  • the PageBreak to AfterBand

Now if you have a workorder that spans multiple pages, the workorder header data prints on every page - even if you print multiple workorders from the Service Workorder grid or the Items grid.

  • Joyce