Sample Report Templates of AyaNova 7

Wanted to post here zip files of the sample report templates that come standard with AyaNova 7 installation of its sample database for those that need.

Useful if for example, instead of making a copy FIRST before customizing any report templates, you accidently customized the sample report template directly and now do not have the original to refer to.

Will be uploading the other navigation pane’s sample report templates soon too - if you need a specific sample report template not yet provided here, do post from which navigation pane and grid and we can get that for you:

AyaNova 7 Service navigation pane grid sample report templates - Download the zip file

do have some more report templates samples?

Yes, all through the forum section AyaNova Printing & Report Templates and the section Additional Sample Report Templates & Tutorials.
As well as the tutorials in the online Help documentation starting with How do I ...? > Put my company logo on a report template

You will also find a number of topics with additional sample report templates for download throughout this section of the forum

  • Joyce