If you previously downloaded the original Sample Total Billable or Sample Client Total Billable or Sample Total Billable for Workorders Grouped By Client provided in June, please remove and import this new sample in preparation of compliance with the new printing design and engine compoent that will be released with the next maintenance update: Open Administration navigation pane -> Report Templates -> find Total Billable for Workrders Grouped By Client and open -> DeleteFind Total Billable, and Sample Client Total Billable and also deleteDownload this new release and extractImport the Sample Total Billable for Workorders Grouped by ClientExit out of AyaNova and log back inTemplate will now display as selectable in the Service Workorders navigation grid.
This report template identifies the workorder number, its service data, and than the billable items for applicable parts, labor, travel, misc.expenses and loan items.
Possible uses - filter the Service Workorder grid based on your desired need (project, service date, client, etc) to obtain a summaried total for all listed workorders for each listed client.
As with all report templates, you can further customize to your specific needs.
Here is another version of that above - but the Total has been changed to display for all clients displaying in the report. This report template may be useful if you wish to identify the total billable for clients of a head office for example where you would have filtered to show a number of clients, but you want a grand total at the very end. The change was that the totals that were in the GroupFooter for the report first posted above have now been moved to the ReportFooter instead.
Here’s another - further customization of the first sample report template where the totals are gouped by client - but with this one I have made the Detail bands True so that they are visible and set group headers to identify each actual part, labor, loan etc within the report.
Here’s another rendition on the report template - this one shows the subamounts (labor, parts, misc expen, etc) per workorder and than provides a total for each workorder showing on the grid
Here is another rendition of this report template with the following differences:
-grouped by Project instead of by Client
-includes displaying Net Service Hours Quantity, and Net No Charge Hours Quantity via the groupfooter for the WorkorderItemLabor band (these include OnSummaryCalculated scripts to get a running total for the bottom of the report)
-includes displaying Total Service Hours Quantity and Total No Charge Hours Quantity in the groupfooter for all the workorders for that project (these are obtained via the OnBeforePrint scripts for these fields to display the running totals obtained from above)
-Detail band for labor shows
-Detail band for parts shows
I invite you to download these samples, and further customize as needed - for example, if you want to group by client, than you would edit the GroupFieldsCollection property for GroupHeader1 (presently is grouped by Project); or if you want details for Misc Expenses to show, you would set the Visible property for Detail6 (of the DetailReportItemMiscExpense band) from False to True, etc.
NOTE: If receive an error message when attempting to print preview a newly imported report template, check that it may just be that you need to get a copy of the latest sample report template that works with your version.