Steps to recreate:
Log into AyaNova
Open a service workorder
Open the Tasks sub-section
Without a Task Group selected from the drop down selection, click on the Task Group jump button to open a new Task Group entry screen
If nothing appears to happen, that is because the security group you are a member of does not have enough rights to Tasks objects.
If this is the case, you need to do the following:
Log into AyaNova as the AyaNova Administrator or user that is a member of a security group to edit Security Groups
Select the Administration navigation pane and the Security Groups grid
Click on the Security Group name you wish to edit to open the Security Group entry screen
Sort the Internal Object column (easier to find objects this way) by clicking on this column
Scroll to find the following objects, and set them to Read/Write/Delete if you want this security group to be able to create and edit Task Groups and Tasks
- Object.Task
- Object.TaskGroup
- Object.TaskGroupTask