I have AyaNova 3.2.7 running on MS SQL 2000 SP4, and QBI 3.2.4, with Quickbooks 2005 Pro. Everything is good, except that when the invoice creation is initiated by QBI, none of the service dates show up in the invoice. Is there something I need to configure for this to happen?
I have attached a file with screen shots from our QuickBooks invoice with matching AyaNova Work Order snippets. I have blocked out some info for obvious reasons. The AyaNova work order snippet shows the date the actual hours came from. The hours are pulled into QuickBooks as you can see on line 2, first labor item in the partial screen shot of the invoice. As you can see in the left column, I would have to go into each invoice and input a date in the service date field. This invoice came from a QuickBooks default invoice that I added our logo to. Can I link the date the hours came from in QuickBooks?
Thank you for the screenshot - you want to display on the QuickBooks invoice theService Start Date & Time from Labor sub-grid in a workorder?
Yes, you can do this via Descriptive Text feature of QBI.
In QBI, select menu option Tools -> Invoice descriptive text template
Select the menu option Set to default detailed format.
The default detailed format displays information from all sections of a workorder where relevent, including from the Labor section of a workorder including the Service Start Date (as well as service performed by, service stop date, and service details).
You can further modify as needed to include or not include datafields and text as you want or need.
I have gone through the steps and customized the data I want to show on the QB invoice. It does show up, however, it appears under all the other entries. If you look at the screen shot I sent previously, the Descriptive Text shows up in the description field directly below the entries from the Work Order. For example, the previous screen shot shows Server/Network 80 on the second line. I have added descriptive text so the name of the tech and the service date shows up in the description field. The only problem is, the text for line2 shows up on line 10. No data in the Date, Item, or Quantity field, just the Descriptive Text in the Description field. There is no easy way to describe this, I guess I will have to send you another screen shot when I run QBI to invoice again…
When you send a screenshot of the invoice, also include a screenshot showing the information in the Labor for the workorder (and other aspects of the workorder that you have as descriptive text), and also show a screenshot of the Descriptive Text settings in QBI itself. This way I can see all the information.
I wanted to post here for other QBI users as well, even though have corresponded directly with masonworks regarding this.
There appears to be a misunderstandingbetween Description of the billable item as dictated by QuickBooks, and Descriptive Text settings via QBI- that brought over from the workorder via QBI into the invoice but that displays after all billable information.
By the information provided by masonworks, their QuickBooks item does not have a Description set within QuickBooks for the QuickBooks item itself - therefore when QBI gives the workorder information to QuickBoosk to be invoiced, QuickBooks doesn’t show anything in the Description field for the billable item - because QuickBooks doesn’t have anything for Description for this item.
And as shown by masonworks Descriptive Text settings in QBI, after the billable items are displayed in the invoice, than the service start date and time, and the tech will display for any billable items.
Description for a QuickBooks billable item is different from the QBI’s Descriptive Text settingthat displays additional workorder information.
Joyce, At one point this was on the list to be added in AyaNova 4/QBI 4, but I do not see it on the list any longer. Is it in the plans to have QBI fill in the Service Date in Quickbooks from the Service Start time in AyaNova?
We invite you to post features that you would like to see in future versions of AyaNova and/or its optional add-ons in the Wish List section of this forum. Do note that listing them in the Wish List does not quarantee that they will definitely be in the next release. Although we will try to get feature requests added to new versions,not all of them can be.We have added in the neighbourhood of over 300 new features over the last couple years to AyNova and will be adding more. Having QBI import the Service Date from the AyaNova workorder into the QuickBooks invoice is not a feature that will be in the first release of QBI 4. View the forum post http://forum.ayanova.com/Topic3569-97-1.aspxfor a list of features that development has confirmed will be in AyaNova 4.