Hi, We are using the Client Service Request notification Email to self dispatch both of our techs through email. Currently, it just gives us Description fields and Details fields in the body of the email, but no property location or Subject line to know where it came from.
This is important to us because we self dispatch and would like to have more info in the email to respond by location or property.
What information is provided in user notifications are hardcoded and can not be edited.
User notifications send out minimum information as a reminder only.
For details, you and your techs would refer to the actual CSR, the actual workorder, etc.
For example, your tech is out on the road and receives an email notification there is a new client service request. Your tech than logs in via WBI (web browser interface) to view details about that CSR and/or client, accept the CSR and generate a service workorder, etc.
Or another example, you are the office and you have subscribed to be notified via Popups whenever there is a new CSR. When you do receive a popup, then move to the CSR grid to see the new CSR and view details, accept, etc.