JohnnyGreen (7/3/2008)Greetings,
I need to keep track of time at my lawn mowing accounts to see if we are within budget.
- We send out a monthly invoice that has a set price for each customer. Can your program handle this?
- I need to send out weekly work orders for clients but not bill them and keep track of the time we were there. Can your program do this?
- I need to send out one invoice itemized with each lawn mowing job. Is this possible? I have a client that has 13 properties that wants to see 13 jobs with their monthly set price on it.
Thank you!
We send out a monthly invoice that has a set price for each customer. Can your program handle this?
Let’s get details - you say you want to send out a monthly invoice that has a set price for each customer - what is this invoice from what is this invoice about? Is it from work that you have performed the previous month, or is it work that you will be performing the following month or ?
Maybe what you mean is you want to be able to Quote? - a quote is usually used where you identify for the client the work you will be doing and what its charges will be, send it to the client for approval/reminder, and than generate a workorder for that quote.
If so, yes, check out the AyaNova 4 Help file section (the version of AyaNova available at the time of this posting)on Quotes starting with (URL removed as for older version no longer supported - see the latest version of AyaNova) Also note that as with every other entry screen in AyaNova (workorder, PM, client, etc) AyaNOva comes with many sample report templates that you can use as is, further customize as needed as well as create your own.
I need to send out weekly work orders for clients but not bill them and keep track of the time we were there. Can your program do this?
Do you mean that you perform service during the course of a month for a client, but you only bill them for that service at the end of the month?I am not sure whatinformation you want to provide to the client every week that would be different from what you send them at the end of the month?
Do note that AyaNova is not an accounting program itself - it does not track Accounts Receiveable, Accounts Payable etc.
Some AyaNova users do not use any sort of accounting program, they only use customized workorder reports to send to their clients as invoices - for example, open a sample workorder in the trial AyaNova, and select Print and select the Sample Detailed Service Workorder with Grand Total. This prints out a report that you can provide to the customer that identifies the service provided and charges.
I need to send out one invoice itemized with each lawn mowing job. Is this possible? I have a client that has 13 properties that wants to see 13 jobs with their monthly set price on it.
Two possibilities:
- Make one workorder for the client each month. And every different job make as a different workorder item within the workorder.
When you are ready to invoice this entire workorder, select Print, select soemthing like theSample Detailed Service Workorder with Grand Total report template to use as an invoice statement to the client
- For each lawn job for a client, make a new workorder. When you want to invoice the client, filter the Service Workorder grid to show only those workorders for that client, and select to print something like the Sample Total Billable Grouped By Client (if you do not have this sample report template, do check out
Do note that