Simply Accounting 2008 - My biggest Wish Item

Is there any intent to add integrationfor Simply Accounting? It is perhaps the biggest accounting packagae out there in Canada and I am sure many would like to see this added?

One of the things a developer must take into consideration even before starting software development is the costs of development compared to the amount of potential return - the same would apply with a Simply Accounting interface or MS Office Accounting interface.

Before we would proceed with developing an Simple Accounting interface, we need to determine if we will at minimum break even. To do that, we need to get an idea of how many potential Simply Accounting interface purchases would be made, and at what license price.

Provide the following information in a private message, or direct email to or a reply to this topic directly if desired

subject line “potential Simply Accounting interface”
your company name
city and country
whether existing AyaNova licensed user or potential licensed user

of schedulable user licenses presently in use, or potentially in use

would you purchase Simply Accounting interface at $399.00
would you purchase Simply Accounting interface at $799.00
would you purchase Simply Accounting interface at $1199.00
Development would depend on the amount of interest.

  • Joyce

Are there any updates on the interest level to this yet?

Hi Steve, no, unfortunately noone has posted to this topic.

  • Joyce