Error message received after installing AyaNova:
AyaNova was unable to start
Depending on how early in startup the problem occurred,
a detailed log of the problem with suggestions may have
been saved to the file AyaLog.txt
located at: file:\C:\Program Files\Ground Zero Tech-Works Inc\AyaNova
Error details:
Unhandled exception:
This AyaNova database appears to have been modified outside of the AyaNova program or is damaged in some way.
This may very rarely be caused by corruption but is more likely a result of someone tampering with
the database and making changes outside the AyaNova program.
(In some cases you may get this error when attempting to use AyaNova 5.x or newer with Microsoft SQL server 2000
which is not supported, only version 2005 or newer.)
Your data is probably ok, but the database is not in a supportable state and will need to be returned to it’s proper state.
Please provide the following information to AyaNova technical support for assistance:
Schema Count: 0
Stack Trace:
à GZTW.AyaNova.BLL.AyaBizUtils.1()
à GZTW.AyaNova.BLL.AyaBizUtils.Initialize()
à AyaNova.clsMain.MyApp.OnCreateMainForm()
The above issue was resolved by the following:
- Go to
- Under Downloads & Updates click on Microsoft Update
- Check to see if any updates needed.
- Apply all recommended updates including .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 and any other fixes or patches to .NET
- Reboot when completed whether it says to or not
- Run AyaNova again