I can find specific directions for installing to a stand-alone, or installing to a network but how do I change from a stand-alone to a network?
Hi again Terri
Read through the instructions on the specific network database server steps you want to use (i.e. Firebird Server 2, SQL Express or SQL Server)
You will see that step #2 of any of them is that you do install the stand-alone configuration and than follow the steps to setup that installed database so that it is networked.
So, assuming let’s say that you want to use the network Firebird Server configuration (as not sure which you want to use as you did not say) and the computer where you presently have AyaNova installed on is the same computer that will be hosting the networked AyaNova database, it will be the “server”(as not sure as you did not say) :
do step #1. Ensure network uses TCPIP for communication between computers and server,
you have already done #2 so you don’t have to do it again
than do step #3 Move stand-alone AyaNova database to new location on server of the network Firebird Server steps and you move your existing installed AyaNova database to a set location on the server and than follow the rest of the steps.
and continue with the steps
If you would like more specific steps, do provide:
What network configuration will you be using - Firebird Server 2, SQL Express or SQL Server?
As per step #1. Ensure network uses TCPIP for communication between computers and server, is this computer you will be wanting to have the networked AyaNova database on networked to the other computers (see step#1)? And what is this “server’s” IP address (again, see the step)?
Is this “server” where you will have the networked AyaNova database the same computer where you presently have AyaNova installed in the stand-alone default configuration?
If not, is your computer networked with the “server” (again, see step#1)
- Joyce
Joyce, thanks for the info. Couple more bits needed please.
Is it the same if I want to ]move from a stand alone computer to a network computer.
Currently AN is installed on my computer but would like it moved to the SQL server so that others can access the program also. (Or can I keep it installed on my machine since my machine is networked with the server and somehow still have other access it?).
We have an IT guy who will complete this task butI need to provide him some instructions to follow.
Hi again Terri
Have your IT person first read over the steps for SQL Server network configuration (URL removed as for older version no longer supported - see the latest version of AyaNova)
As per its steps, than do on the server step #1 . Ensure network uses TCPIP for communication between computers and server
On this same SQL Server, do step #2. Stand-alone AyaNova database and program is installed to server
Before proceeding to step #3, have your IT person delete the trial sample AyaNova database file AYANOVA.FDB that was installed to that SQL Server, and move the AYANOVA.FDB database file that is on your computer (as your database has all your data in it) to that location on the SQL Server (of course, make sure neither you nor anyone is running any copy of AyaNova before moving the database)
finish the steps
- Joyce