Support and Items with Core Value

We really like what we see with Ayanova but we have a few concerns that have been plaguing us.


We are really concerned with support. We dont mind paying for it, etc. However we are worried with the whole having to post on the forum deal. If we have an emergency we can be fined for not dispatching the job in time. Having to post on the forum concerns us as we cannot get a hold of a live person. Furthermore we are worried about the future of Ayanova. For instance if you guys decided to close the doors and shutdown the site we would be completely at a loss since there would be no way of getting any support in the future,and we would never have a way of contacting you because the forum would be gone. It would be like you guys never existed. Furthermore there is no way for us to judge your company’s health.

We also want to be able to provide our employees with training. How can we do this if there is no method for communication other than the forum. Are there any Souther California training VAR’s that can help? We really dont want to fly Joe from timbuktu, pay per diem, etc. for 4 hours of training.

Items with Core values:

How does Ayanova track items with core values or how would you recommend we do this? For instance say Customer A has a part go bad, we purchase a new part and replace his bad part. That bad part needs to be sent to the manufacture for repair, then once repaired put back into inventory as an asset of the company. How would you recommend we do this?

Hi(not sure of your name as you did not identify yourself)

In addition to the AyaNova Support Forum, we provide direct email support via

For over ten years now, service companies around the world have been using AyaNova with support provided via the Internet (email or in the last few years also via the AyaNova Support Forum).

To provide onsite training, phone support etc would cost a lot more - especially to all the service companies around the world that use AyaNova - that unfortunately would have to be past on to you. It would mean having to greatly increase the license price, plus charge for support.

Instead it is very important to the service companies around the world that use AyaNova that the licensing is very affordable, and that support is no charge.

You do not need expensive on-site training to use AyaNova. Just go through the Use Basics in the AyaNova Help file, and the How do I…?'s and Feature details - it is very straight forward to use. And if you have a question - either post on the forum or email us directly at

How does Ayanova track items with core values or how would you recommend we do this? For instance say Customer A has a part go bad, we purchase a new part and replace his bad part. That bad part needs to be sent to the manufacture for repair, then once repaired put back into inventory as an asset of the company. How would you recommend we do this?

A Unit is a piece of equipment that is owned by a client, that you perform service on fir the client. See the AyaNovaHelp file section on units starting with (URL removed as for older version no longer supported - see the latest version of AyaNova)

Suggestions depends if it is the whole Unit itself that is being replaced or a component of that Unit.

For example, if it is the whole Unit that is being replaced:

in the Service Workorder you select the Unit so that you know which unit is being serviced (URL removed as for older version no longer supported - see the latest version of AyaNova)
enter details in the Outside Service subsection of the workorder about where this unit sent to, when etc (URL removed as for older version no longer supported - see the latest version of AyaNova)
Sell the new unit to the customer
Enter it as a unit for that customer and select it in another workorder item in that same workorder identifying it as the new replacement unit
when the fixed replacement Unit is sent back, note that in the workorder and close, and than change the owner of the Unit from that client to you as the owner.
When you review history on workorders for that client, that unit as selected in the workorder will show at that point it was owned by that client and show the sequance of events - i.e. sent out for fixing, etc

If it is a component of the Unit that is being replaced, a suggestion would be to select the Unit in the workorder so that it is identified as being serviced, and select the part sold in the Parts subsection, and identify in Labor the service provided. When the replacement component is returned to you, put it into your inventory.

  • Joyce