Tax codes

We have one tax rate. How to change 7% to another value, with no A and B - only one rate for everything.


Once a tax code is entered and saved, only its name can be edited or it can be set to inactive. The % can not be edited.

We provide a tax code that could have two aspects (Tax A and Tax B) because many places have two different taxes to apply to sales and service - not just one.

Perform the following:

-Create that tax code you want with the percentage in Tax A, and set Tax B to 0%
-Once you have created this tax code, in Global Settings (Administration navigation pane -> Global Settings) set the three default tax selections to this new tax code you have created.
-Now you can set any other created tax code to Inactive via the SubGrids -> Tax Codes grid sothose tax codes do not display as selectable in any drop down list

This information can also be found in the AyaNova Help which provides detailed information on all AyaNova features, as well as tips on use and tutorials.

  • Joyce

Hi again

Also wanted to let you know, that although the sample report tempaltes for Service Workorders include totalling Tax B (i.e “Sample Detailed Service Workorder with Grand Total” in the Service Workorders grid) If you won’t ever be using a “Tax B”, you can customize any sample report template to your specific company needs.

We provide a number of tutorials in the AyaNova online Help section (just press F1 while in your AyaNova to open up the web page) on creating reports as well as additional sample report templates in the AyaNova Printing & Report Templates area of this forum. Check them out and let us know if any additional questions.

  • Joyce