ToMSSQL.exe Problems

I followed the manual step by step to do a SQL conversion. It connects to the engine fine and begins converting the database. The total bar stops at 50% and the lower bar stops at 100% AINTEGRATION.exe. I waited quite awhile before exiting. I tried launching Ayanova… launches fine, but it says the username and password are not valid. I thought maybe the ToMSSQL.exe finished, but didn’t update the Total bar b/c there was no processing or not responding status in the task manager. Does the demo not support SQL? Thanks for the help.

neil.gregory (3/24/2006)I followed the manual step by step to do a SQL conversion. It connects to the engine fine and begins converting the database. The total bar stops at 50% and the lower bar stops at 100% AINTEGRATION.exe. I waited quite awhile before exiting. I tried launching Ayanova… launches fine, but it says the username and password are not valid. I thought maybe the ToMSSQL.exe finished, but didn’t update the Total bar b/c there was no processing or not responding status in the task manager. Does the demo not support SQL? Thanks for the help.

<SPAN “COLOR: #000000; FONT-FAMILY: ‘Tahoma’”></SPAN>

<SPAN “COLOR: #000000; FONT-FAMILY: ‘Tahoma’”>Hi Neil</SPAN>

<SPAN “COLOR: #000000; FONT-FAMILY: ‘Tahoma’”>If using the default installation (locale embedded Firebird) when doing the conversion to SQL,</SPAN><SPAN “COLOR: #000000; FONT-FAMILY: ‘Tahoma’”>edit the<SPAN “COLOR: #000000; FONT-FAMILY: ‘Tahoma’”>Firebird Database Connection String </SPAN>so it shows as follows (note that the User=AYANOVA;Password=AYANOVA; is removed):

ServerType=1;DataBase=C:\Program Files\Ground Zero Tech-Works Inc\AyaNova 3\AYANOVA.FDB;Dialect=3;

Rerun the SQL database creation again. Make sure you are not logged into AyaNova v3 while this occurs.

Let me know this works now for you.

Its a thing with the embedded Firebird - it doesn’t like the User=AYANOVA;Password=AYANOVA: during the process.

  • Joyce</SPAN>

Looks like it’s working… Thanks for the quick response.