I modified the Unit Entry Screen “Receipt Number” (Localized Text Design unit.label.receipt) to "Customer P.O. #. After entering all my PO #'s in this field is there a way to getthe field unit.label.receipt to display in the unit grid? If not, is it possible for me tocreate a custom unit report usingthe unit.label.receipt field?
I tried creating a unit summary report using the report Wizard but did not see the unit.label receipt field available in the unit record.
The Units grid does not display the Reciept Number as a column (Localized Text Design unit.label.receipt), and as the Summary report template is made up of all available columns that display in the Unit grid, the Receipt Number field is not an available field in a report. As it is not available in the grid and not available in the report template designer, it is not possible to select it in a report design.
I will move this to the Wish List so that development will see this to add to a future version of AyaNova.
AyaNova 4 will have the Units grid (and its report templates) now also display the columns Purchased From, Description, Unit Model Category, Unit Model Vendor, and Receipt Number