I have set myself a goal to utilize more of the capablilities that ayanova offers since it has show good stability in the time using the software. So my first thing to impliment was tasks and i have encountered a couple of issues.
First: When you open a workorder, then navigate to the tasks, select a task and click the add button all of the items within that task get added to the workorder but visualy appear blue as if they were all selected instead of white. This is a bit of an anoyance as when i select things i can tell.
Second: The only place i have found to edit tasks is by click the task button from within a workorder. Am i wrong? It seems to me that there would be a sub grid that allowed me to edit tasks as well as tasks groups. Having another place to easily organize tasks and tasks groups would make it much easier to set things to active or not active, and create new groups. If this feature doesnt exist i guess this should go under the wish list.
Third: This one probably should go under wish list but since i am already writing a post here ill through it in. I would love it if there was a way to add a date field to the task next to status so that when a tech sets a task to completed they can also mark the date it was completed making it easier for me to report on my tech efficiancy.
First: When you open a workorder, then navigate to the tasks, select a task and click the add button all of the items within that task get added to the workorder but visualy appear blue as if they were all selected instead of white. This is a bit of an anoyance as when i select things i can tell.
Tasks with the status of To Do are by default back-colored blue - to stand out that these tasks still need to be done.
Tasks with the status of Completed are by default back-colored white
Tasks with the status of N/A are by default back-colored white with the text grayed out.
Hope this gives the explanation of why the back-color and text is the way it is.
Second: The only place i have found to edit tasks is by click the task button from within a workorder. Am i wrong? It seems to me that there would be a sub grid that allowed me to edit tasks as well as tasks groups. Having another place to easily organize tasks and tasks groups would make it much easier to set things to active or not active, and create new groups. If this feature doesnt exist i guess this should go under the wish list.
You are correct. New Task Groups can only be created from within a workorder. You can create many new Task Groups and Tasks. You are not limited to only creating one Task Group and having to close out of the workorder.
Third: This one probably should go under wish list but since i am already writing a post here ill through it in. I would love it if there was a way to add a date field to the task next to status so that when a tech sets a task to completed they can also mark the date it was completed making it easier for me to report on my tech efficiancy.
That is quite a neat idea. I like that. Will defintely put that onto our internal list of features to look into providing. We always have to ensure new features do not limit functionality of existing features, or negatively impact other aspects such as speed, etc. It’s defintiely a great suggestion - thank you.