If using the stand-alone default installation of AyaNova 6.2, and following the steps to either configure AyaNova 6.2 for SQL Express or SQL Server network configuration, you will note the following issue when performing step #5 Creation of the SQL AyaNova database:
Issue #1:
After you have edited your SQL connection string and clicked on Open database connection, you will receive the following error:
"Firebird connection failed
check your connection string
Full Error was:
Trusted Auth isn’t supported on Embedded Firebird."
This is because with the latest embedded Firebird engine file used, the Firebird user and password must be included in the Firebird database connection string
Issue #2:
But if you do edit the Firebird connection string to include the user and password, another issue will occur at the 95% completion of the creation of the SQL database.
The migrator will show “Migrating foreign keys” in the top bar at 95% and it will not complete.
This is due to a bug in the latest stand-alone Firebird embedded file used with AyaNova 6.2 Development is working on a fix that we will post soon.