Log in via My Account at http://www.shareit.com/ccc/ (upper right hand corner)
Your User ID may be your registered email address (i.e. name@mycompany.com) or may be your registered email address with an appended number (i.e. name@mycompany.com-3).
If you do not know which User ID to log in with to view your subscriptions orders:
[li]Select ‘Forgot Password’
[/li][li]Enter in your registered email address (i.e. name@mycompany.com)
[/li][li]If your company has more than one account where your orders are found, the ShareIT system will recognize this and ask if you would like to receive ‘Information regarding your most recent order’ or ‘Information regarding all user accounts’.
[/li][li]Select ‘Information regarding all user accounts’ so you are emailed for each account that your company has with ShareIT
[/li][li]In each email, you will receive a URL to change the associated password (so you can log in with that User ID) and the User ID and at least one license product linked to that User ID which will allow you to determine which to log in under.
[/li][li]If still not sure which to use, log in as each that has been provided so you can see full details on your order and payment information.
To see what your database is licensed for, and when your subscriptions expire, view Help -> About in your AyaNova