Windows Phone

Does anyone know what browser to use for the windows7 phone, as Zune needs to be used to load to phone, the listed browers (IE 9.0+, FIREFOX 3.0+, SAFARI 3.0+, CHROME 3.0+, OPERA 10.0+, IPAD 1.0+, IPHONE 1.0+, ANDROID 1.0+) cant be used for signing workorders which was an important part for me getting MBI. I cant find IE9 as a mobile browser?

If your browser is HTML 5 compatible, it can be used for signature capture.

A suggestion if you don’t know for sure is to just do a search online for what your browser name and version and if HTML 5 compatible.

Also too, you can just try it out - try out MBI 7 via the link at bottom of the MBI web page and do as per the steps at the bottom of to test signing

  • Joyce

Is this software is working.

Hi Adrian

Not sure if you meant a question by your post? Please post fully if so, so we can respond.

  • Joyce