Work Orders

I have examined the product & read the reviews but, I can’t seem to find where you can print a blank workorder to hand to an engineer to do service. DO you have some type of form that can be printed based on a service request?

Also is there a addon for a customer portal that would allow them to open tickets?

Hi Eric

A suggestion is to print the Sample Dispatch Report.
As this example report template is designed so that it shows the clients name and address on the print out so that your tech knows where to go, it shows when it is scheduled for so that your tech knows when they should be there, it shows the summary and service notes of what the issue is so that the tech knows what they are to do when they get there, shows tasks if any, shows parts to bring if any, etc.

And you can create your own custom report templates as well as customize existing report templates too. Do follow along with the numerous tutorials in the Help documentation on report template customizatiom to familiarize yourself with report design, as well as refer to the existing sample report templates that are installed with AyaNova, as well as the additional samples on this forum in Additional Sample Report Templates Tutorials

And too - we can also create custom report templates for you! Send details as per the forum topic on Custom report templates and we would be happy to provide you with a quote.

Also is there a addon for a customer portal that would allow them to open tickets?

Clients themselves can not create service workorders. Clients can request service via a CSR Customer Service Request form. From the service request, you can either reject the service request, accept it which generates a new service workorder, or accept it and add it to an existing workorder already created for that client.
See also the WBI Client Help documentation such as for what the client would see and do, as well as details about accepting etc in AyaNova itself

Also too, you can subscribe to be notified when a customer requests service so no delay in your response. See also the Help documentation section on Notification Subscriptions starting with

Let me know if additional questions.

  • Joyce