Workorder entry screen hangs on Save if scheduled user (of a specific Region) in wo is subscribed to workorder related notification

Issue: Workorder entry screen will hang (not responding) on Save where the following is:
[li]Scheduled User is of a specific Region[/li][li]Scheduled User has subscribed to either workorder related notification “Work order item scheduled user - (created/updated)” or “Work order item outside service - unit is overdue”[/li][li]That scheduled user is selected in a workorder’s Scheduled User record[/li][li]And you attempt to save the workorder[/li][/ul]Issue: Purchase Order Receipt will hang (not responding) on Save where the following is:
[li]Scheduled User is of a specific Region[/li][li]Scheduled User has subscribed to notificiation “Work order item part request - PartsReceived”[/li][li]That scheduled user is selected in a workorder item’s Scheduled User record[/li][li]That workorder item has a part request[/li][li]That part request is ordered in a PO[/li][li]When you attempt to save the Purchase Order Receipt after receiving the part request[/li][/ul]Solution: development has posted a fix for existing 5.0.4 users Update to the latest version of AyaNova 5 to fix.