Recover deleted report?

One of our employees accidentally deleted our receipt report by hitting the delete under the Report Templates. Is there any way to recover that? Or are we just going to have to start over?


If it was an original sample report template, you can download from this forum and import. Or if you customized an original, you can download and import and customize again.

Or you could get everyone out, and restore your database from the last backup. Refer to theBackup & Restore section of the Help documentation for your configuration - i.e. if netowrk Firebird Server, refer to course, any data entered since the last backup would have to be re-entered.

Once something is deleted, it is not reversable.

Do note that before you can delete anything in AyaNova, AyaNova always pops up a message box asking if you are sure that you want to delete permanently so that you have a chance to cancel out of the deletion.

I would recommend that you and your staff not log in as an AyaNova Administrator user for day to day activities, so that access to the Administration navigation pane grids are not accessible during day to day operations to also cut down on accidently major changes such as this.

  • Joyce

It was customized by us. And the employee was doing things he shouldn’t been. Where can I download the default receipt?

HandsOnComputerRepair (2/5/2010)It was customized by us. And the employee was doing things he shouldn’t been. Where can I download the default receipt?

Hi again

Not sure which sample report template you mean by “receipt” but I can point you towards the forum section Additional Sample Report Templates & Tutorials where are listed in numereous posts copies of sample report templates as well as report templates that have been further customized that you can download. Browse and check. For example, if by “receipt” you mean the Purchase Order Receipts Detailed report, you can download along with other inventory related report templates from

  • Joyce